Aurora Rising Crossword Puzzle

I had grand plans to have this puzzle finished and posted before Aurora Burning was out, I thought it would be a fun refresher before book two. Unfortunately, a confluence of life and puzzle problems made this a pipe dream. But here it is! And an Aurora Burning puzzle is certainly up next.

This is the fifth draft of this puzzle; I had a bunch of weird issues making this one. They were mostly misspellings, and words that were not meant to go in the puzzle, along with words I thought were wrong but ended up being fine. So it was a long journey to this being done.

This is such an incredibly fun series! I am so looking forward to reading book three.

The last puzzle was the Slytherin house mini-puzzle, and you can find the answer sheet here!

I also apologize again for the color quality. I am going to switch back to black only until I have access to a proper scanner again, the color quality is so off.

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ā€œThe Great 18 Across of 15 Across IV couldnā€™t keep me away,ā€

ā€œ Do 63 Down choose the 74 Across they 62 Across? Do planets choose their 77 Down? Who am I to deny 17 Down, Aurora? When you 22 Down brighter than any 1 Down in the sky?

ā€œWho wants to be normal when you can be 79 Across instead?ā€

Number 24 Across is ā€œworse than the 69 Across plague and the 36 Down pox put together.ā€


5. Cat is the legions best this

8. New thing to hunt for at the end of the book

10. The World Ship

19. First among equals

20. Elf Kal is accused of being

21. Color for leadership corps

22. Race who does not like to be touched 

24. The collector, also a gangster (2 words)

26. Waywalker who does not want Kal on his ship

27. What the Syldrathi call 39 Across

28. First Betraskan Aurora meets

32. Having your irises in the shape of these means you are a part of the 34 Down

33. Their mark is three crossed blades

35. Race with ā€œbone whiteā€ skin

38. Color for gearheads

39. Extinct people who have achieved a mythic status amongst most of the universe

40. ā€œThe eyes inside the skull I was born with, the flesh slowly succumbing to the poison corruption infection salvation in my ___.ā€

43. Planet where the inhabitants live largely underground. 

45. Global Intelligence Agency

47. Rude way to refer to Syldrathi

49. Catā€™s division in the Aurora Legion

52. Beloved

55. School that trains most of our heroes

58. Wears an exosuit and is about 90% sarcasm

60. God of the United Faith

61. Terran Defense Force

66. Auroraā€™s uniglass

68. Auroraā€™s Chinese name/what her father calls her

70. Color for Aces

71. Animal on Octavia

75. Where everyone believes the Hadfield was heading

76. Quiet to-the-point member of the squad

78. ā€œ(Jaime Sanderson. Ex-boyfriend #37. Pros: good kisser. Cons: likes ___.)ā€

80. Who picks their teams in the draft

81. Was friends with Jericho Jones in his pilot days


2. These get in Catā€™s wound

3. Color of Betraskan contact lenses

4. ā€œfirst son of Laeleth Iriltari Idraban Gilwraethā€

6. Everything is monochrome when you are here (2 words)

7. Character with a long trail of ex-boyfriends

9. Item our squad steals

11. Our squadā€™s number (3 words)

12. Color for Tanks

13. The youngest race

14. Color for those in the science division

16. What Aurora says before passing out while being possessed (2 words)

23. Ship chasing our squad 

24. Syldrathi have five divisions called this

25. ā€œA total ban on system entry.ā€

26. Golden Boy

29. Finā€™s cousin

30. Betraskans trade each other these

31. System the squad originally heads towards

34. Communal being trying to take over the universe

37. What 9 Down actually is

41. ā€œThe mere sight of her is water in an endless 41 down.ā€

42. Syldrathi who did not accept the peace treaty

44. Combat Specialist 

45. Aurora Legion division focused on mechanics

46. Stowaway

48. ā€œWe the Legion. We the ____. Burning bright against the night.ā€

50. Auroraā€™s would-be supervisor and girlfriend of her father

51. Aurora Legion Division specializing in diplomacy

53. Person whos enemies are ā€œall free Syldrathiā€¦ And those who offer them refugeā€

54. Auroraā€™s Father (2 words)

56. ā€œMy motherā€™s people have a saying: keā€™tma indayōna beā€™trai. It means ā€¦

you do not walk alone when you walk your ____ _____.ā€ (2 words)

57. Auroraā€™s last name

59. Name for those in the science division

64. Color for Faces

65. Ship that ended corporate space exploration on Earth

67. Where the Hadfield was actually heading

71. Owner of Shamrock

72. Food charm on Zilaā€™s earrings

73. Nauseated Security Guard

84. Twins last name

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Review: A Royal Affair by Allison Montclair

Review: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Review: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff