Pride and Prejudice Crossword Puzzle

This puzzle was meant to come out last week (and then it was meant to come out yesterday), but as it turns out, moving countries causes you to become SO BUSY. Also, the germs got me. I was quite ill.

But I am well and mostly settled into London life so here is my Pride and Prejudice crossword puzzle! I, like many many many people, am a massive Jane Austen fan. Lady was a genius. And so funny. So I figured I would make a puzzle based on the first book of hers I ever read!

I am not sure what puzzle is going up next week, I am going to be finishing up a few this week hopefully, then I need to buy something to scan my puzzles! I have quite a few close to finishing.

Here is a link to last weeks These Broken Stars puzzle, and here is a link to the answers!

I will add a link to the next puzzle here! Let me know if you have any requests/suggestions!

Pride and Prejudice Crossword_Page_1.jpg
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