Slytherin Crossword Puzzle

We have reached the last puzzle in the Hogwarts house mini-series! Very exciting. If you want to catch up here is a link to all Potter-related puzzles I have made, there will be more in the future.

The last puzzle was Ravenclaw, and here are the answers to that one! The next puzzle is going to be Aurora Rising or Throne of Glass, a link will be posted once it is up on Monday! The Slytherin answers will be there!

Slytherin Crossword.jpg

Slytherin Crossword Puzzle Clues

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real 2 down,

Those 4 down folk use any 17 down,

To achieve their 19 across.


4. Secret part of Hogwarts Slytherin created (3 words) 

7. Common room is located under this

9. Pre-book Hogwarts headmaster (2nd name)

12. Hogwarts founder

13. Malfoyā€™s sidekick who is saved by Ron and Hermione

15. Meropeā€™s Slytherin heirloom

16. House ghost

18. Potions master who likes crystallized (UK spelling on written version) pineapple

20. ā€œAlways.ā€


1. Family who harbors Voldemort 

3. First name of Deatheater who betrays Voldemort

5. House keeper until book 5

6. Mother is a beautiful widow

8. Gem in house hourglass

10. Metallic house color

11. Master of the Elder Wand

13. House color

14. The Dark Lord

Review: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Review: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Ravenclaw Crossword Puzzle